
Our team at Voucherify knows how important maintenance work is. It can add up to many hours, headaches, and money that you could spend on other, more profitable activities. That is why we have developed our platform to be easily maintainable and have added some features that simplify routine tasks. These features can be used directly from the Voucherify dashboard and require only the initial integration with Voucherify. They all come in the package, and you can access them right after you have integrated Voucherify with your e-commerce solution.

Voucherify offers several API endpoints that make maintenance of your database and promotional campaigns faster and easier:

  • Disable a voucher – it puts the coupon in a state where it is inactive and cannot be redeemed.
  • Rollback redemption – your business logic may include a case when you need to undo a redemption. In the case of gift vouchers, this method returns funds according to source redemption.
  • Delete customer – if they wish to have all their data removed.
  • Update customer consents – useful if they unsubscribe/recall their consent. 
  • Get customer consent – lists the Marketing Permission definitions within the project.

Import/export capabilities

You can export/import data to Voucherify using a CSV file. You can do it, for example, with:

  • Voucher codes.
  • Customer data.
  • Redemptions.

This feature can help in using your data in other software without the need to integrate that software with Voucherify. It can also help you to create a database backup.

Bulk update options

To make the performance of routine tasks faster, Voucherify offers bulk updates for:

Metadata (custom fields)

Good software offers enough flexibility. In simple customization cases, it doesn’t need developers’ effort and attention. 

This is why Voucherify offers two main features allowing you to customize your promotions: metadata and custom events

Thanks to customer metadata, you can add any information you wish to your customers’ profiles. You can later use that data to segment your customers or to create validation rules. It allows you to create personalized campaigns without the need to code them. 

Learn how to use metadata to create personalized promotions.

Custom events

Custom events let you create custom triggers for your campaigns. You can assign a custom event to almost any customer behavior. You can then create validation rules, earning rules or use them as a trigger for notifications in your campaigns. For example, if you set “cart abandonment” as a custom event, you can send customers a 5% off coupon if they've abandoned the cart. 

Custom events are available out-of-the-box in Voucherify and let you customize your campaigns as you wish. 

Learn how to use custom events in your campaigns.

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